Here are the rules for playing Z Quest:

The object of Z Quest is to locate all seven dragon balls and bring them all to one location. At that location the dragonballs grant you three wishes. So there are three winners, each person makes one wish. If there are more than three people present at the location of the 7 dragonballs a fight ensues until there is only three.

What you do in the game is select you character first. Each character starts as a power level of 10,000. As you progress from fighting, sparring, or items, you power level will rise. As it rises you will get more powers to use in combat. The physical attacks of characters varies depending on what character you chose. (Obviously Vegeta would have a much higher attack than Bulma.) Another area of power is your hp level. This is its max, how high it is and can get. This number will rise with your power level. There is also a list of items you have, your amount of money. The last of areas is your list of powers, a complete list of all your special techniques, their names, what they do and what power level you may use it at. Even if the game is already underway you may join in at any time. I will put your power level at the average so you don't start at a major disadvantage.

The Z Quest world consists of 7 locations. 6 main planets and Mission Control. Each planet, excluding Mission Control, has 6 locations. Your objective is to go between these planets and locations, scavenging, fighting and guarding to get your hands on the seven dragonballs.

There are two different areas in each location. The message board and the chat room. At the message board you post your actions (what your are doing). In the chat room, you fight. It is the place where all battles take place. You go between these locations on the planets to get the dragonballs and get stronger.

On the message board you have multiple actions you can put down. You may put as many as you like, just don't clog up the message board with many useless messages. The different actions you can put down are what you should put as the topic of your message, the body is up to you.

Message Board Topics
The first one you can put is talking. You can put whatever you want as the title of the message. This serves the purpose of leaving messages for other players or conversations. Another title is You do this in order to claim the item of the location. Once I view it I will add the item you found to your bio. Another tag this is to inform other characters that you are in the chat room and waiting for an opponent to battle, when you are no longer there you post . Another action is As the body of the message specify a date and time (important to post what time zone). This way you may fight someone for items or just for power. If you are challenged and have been at the location you must show up for the fight. However you may decline from the fight if you do not have an item. If you happen to have an item you may not decline from a fight. Post as your message to say you decline. If you do not fight and you are obliged to I will forfeit one of your items and place it at the location to be scavenged, I will do likewise if you meet your challenge and then leave without combat. When you finish a fight you post a message this should be a complete transcription of your bout until the end. Just highlight your entire fight copy and paste as the body of a message. The last of actions is this is to say you are leaving the location to go to another. You put if you are going to another planet entirely. When you arrive at a new location and/or new planet you post . That is all the stuff you may do on the message board.

In the chat room you fight. You and you opponent/s go to the chat room to battle. Anyone in the chat room may attack or aide anyone else even if you were not part of the original combat. To fight you log on to the chat room and then commence posting you actions. You may post any talking messages as you wish. I suggest you open up a spare window so you may see the stats of you and your opponent. You keep posting attacks until you or your opponent reaches an hp of zero and dies, thus forfeit one or more items. You post what attack and to who you are using it on in "<>" i.e. or . Your target must then post a command to dodge your attack or it goes through and deals damage. A dodge attack is or Obviously you can not block a spirit bomb so you would have to put dodge. If you do not put the correct avoiding attack or just put another attack entirely the attack goes through. After damage is dealt from an attack you must post your current hp. Continue until someone reaches zero. The winner gets to exit and stay on the planet the loser returns to mission control (after posting a departing message) and heals in the restoration chamber. The winner gets 50,000 added to there power level, the loser gets the restoration chamber.

Sword combat is somewhat different. If you have a sword your attack commands become . This shows what directions you are stabbing/swinging. Only may be used to avoid a sword maneuver. If you and your opponent both have swords new combat comes into play. A sword does a specific amount of damage, depending on what sword you have. If you are attacked with a direction you may not put dodge. Instead you block with your sword by posting the opposite direction, i.e. and you block with . If you post the wrong direction the sword hits and you take damage. To pull out your sword in combat you must first post a message called .

You game starts out at mission control. There are a few things you may do at mission control. There is the message board. This is where you type out and post what your character is doing. The gravity room, where you may stay to raise your power level. The Room of Spirit and Time, where you may spar with other players in order for you both to increase your power levels. Or the healing chamber to get all your health back. In the healing chamber post a message that reads 2 hours "real-time" post your health will then be at full. The same goes for the gravity room except you must wait 24 hours for you power to increase. In 24 hours it increases by 10,000 the second day it increases by another 20,000 thus you are at 30,000 increase. This rate continues to grow per day you remain. In the Room of Spirit and time you just spar with other opponents in order to increase you power level. The winner of a combat gets 30,000 added to their power level the loser gets 10,000. For losing in that room you will not lose any items and exit the room at the health you were at when you entered. Then there is the main message board to post whatever you want along with your actions. No one may be killed at mission control it is the neutral location of Z Quest.

Thank you if you have read this far in the rules. I hope they weren't to confusing but please e-mail me if there are any questions. Have Fun.

  • Earth
  • Namek
  • Space Station Freeza
  • New Vegeta
  • The Bio-Lab
  • Hell

The last place to visit is Mission Control. Here you can overlook the game status. You can view exactly how many dragonballs are on which planets, but not who is carrying them. You can view your characters bio and status to see all about him or her. And you can enter the training rooms, where you can raise your power level.

Each character starts with a power level of 10,000. This power level will rise as a character grows stronger from, items, training, battles, etc. The stronger your character the more damage they can inflict and take in combat. You will learn up to 9 special attacks in the game. Which are gradually stronger as you learn them. Two at power level 10,000, one at 50,000/100,000/300,000/500,000/750,000/900,000/1,000,000. Every player starts at mission control and uses a ship to go to any of the locations. It is not necessary to travel from the planet to mission control every time. You may immediatly move on to the next planet. However, if you are defeated in combat you will automatically return to mission control for healing.

The layout of the planets is very simmilar. Each planet has a message board to post all your actions, a map to decide where to go next, and a chat room, to be used for battle only. What will be done is, you will post all your actions on the message board telling what you do, there will be a seperate message board for every section of a planet. So if you were to pass through one location to the next you must write your passing through. When you wish to leave a location you must post a message stating you left. If you are to scavange the room that must also be entered and you will be informed with what you found. If you are to initiate combat with another player, you must be at the same planet and location as another player. Full combat will be explained later.

Mission Control
Mission control has more functions than the other planets. Here you can rest to regain all your health, train in the gravity room, spar in the room of spirit and time, or check game status. Checking the game status reveals the planets that all the dragonballds are currently on, along with which players are there. You may also check out your status, to see what items you have acquired, your power level, your attacks, and other information. The isolation chamber is a room for healing, if you leave one message there and leave no more for 3 hours your character will regain all their strength. The Gravity room is for training, you leave one message and a second for when you leave. Your computer need not remain on for this period of time, just leave one message, and then leave anothre whenever you feel like it. For spending one day in the gravity room your power level rises 10,000, for the next day, you get another 10,000. You get 10,000 every day you spend in the gravity room. The room of Spirit and time is for sparring. You go there with however many players and have a match, for fighting in there you get 10,000 points added to your power level, for losing a battle you get 10,000, and winning gets you 20,000 per person you defeat. When you have finished your match the all players come out at full health. There is no real damage in this room. Post your spar on the Mission Control Message board so I may notice what happened.

I suggest that you check out your status at mission control every day you log on, in case important events are occuring.

You need not be at mission control to check your bio status.

Combat works as follows: When you wish to fight someone, you must be at the same planet and locationas them. Once there you may initiate combat with anyone on the message board, whose last message was not leaving the location. Post a time and day to meet at the chat room for that location. I will then post the challange on the bios. On that day and time the players meet. The winner gets 40,000 power level points, the loser 0. The fight continues until one player runs out of health, or one forfeights the match. Each player posts the moves they use on the chat room. Each move does its respectable amount of damage until one player's health hits zero. You may never run out of moves. Each player enters moves as fast as they can in typing in "<>" for example, Dr. Willow If an attack hits you must state your current health. To dodge an attack you must type this before you opponent can type their next move; "dodge" or "block." If you do not, do any avoiding move before your opponent makes their next attack it connects and you take damage. If you made the attack you must type in your next attack before they can dodge or block in order to deal damage. If two ki attaks are used simultaniously a ki tug-o-war begins (like in the series). To see which characters blast succedes, each of you type in 1 number in successoin, 1,2,3,4, and so on. The first player to mess up loses their blast and the other goes through. If this happens the blast may not be dodged or blocked. If there are two bouts at one location, one may interfere with the other, so if Goku and Janeba are fightin in Freeza's Control Room, and so are Goten and Nappa, Nappa can decide to make a move on Goku and vice versa. HOwever, you only get the points added to your power level if you made the finishing blow.

For scavanging you simply post a message in the location you are at and wish to scavange. You need not continue scavanging, I will add to your bio what you found there. If at any time you wish to drop an item simply post a message in the room you wish to drop it and I will make note of it. Other things you may do in the room, is leave messages for other players, trade, or bargain for items of other players. On your bio I will post what each item you have does. You may form alliances with any player in the game. You may break these alliances at any time you wish, without prior notice.

The winner is the first to collect all seven dragonballs and bring them to one location.

Have Fun